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- Everest Media LLC (3)
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- A verba futuroruM (1)
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James Joyce
Pour les plus endurants d'entre nous, le dernier chapitre du roman Ulysse de James Joyce, intitulé "Pénélope", est une récompense. Tel le héros d'Homère qui a relevé de périlleux défis pour rentrer chez lui sain et sauf après vingt ans de guerre et d'odyssée, ils ont traversé les périls d'une histoire qui a tenté avec malice de les semer. Les voilà donc au chapitre XVIII atteignant, épuisés mais fiers, le sommet d'une montagne réputée dangereuse. Mais un autre chemin est possible pour tous ceux qui se sont perdus en route, ceux qui n'osent se frotter au monument ou qui en rêvent depuis longtemps sans passer à l'action. Cet autre chemin implique de désobéir à la règle universelle qui oblige à commencer un livre par le début. Bondir jusqu'à "Pénélope", donc, telle est l'alternative envisagée.
Laura El Makki
Commencer Ulysse de James Joyce par la fin... Une plongée radicale, en huit phrases, dans les pensées échevelées de Molly Bloom : Pénélope. -
Texte intégral révisé suivi d'une biographie de James Joyce. Préface de Valery Larbaud. Le monde de "Gens de Dublin" est déjà le monde du "Portrait de l'Artiste en jeune homme" et d'"Ulysse" mais c'est Dublin et ce sont des hommes et des femmes de Dublin. Non seulement toute la topographie de la ville y est exactement reproduite, les rues et les places y gardant leur vrai nom, mais encore les noms des commerçants n'ont pas été changés et certains notables habitants - bourgeois, journalistes, agents électoraux - y sont mis en scène avec leurs opinions politiques et leurs remarques parfois peu respectueuses. Leurs figures se détachent avec un grand relief sur le fond des rues, des places, du port et de la baie de Dublin. Jamais peut-être l'atmosphère d'une ville n'a été mieux rendue, et dans chacune de ces nouvelles, les personnes qui connaissent Dublin retrouveront une quantité d'impressions qu'elles croyaient avoir oubliées. Mais ce n'est pas la ville qui est le personnage principal, et le livre n'a pas d'unité: chaque nouvelle est isolée. C'est un portrait, ou un groupe, et ce sont des individualités bien marquées que Joyce se plaît à faire vivre ici. Nous en retrouverons du reste quelques-uns, que nous reconnaîtrons, autant à leurs paroles et à leurs traits qu'à leurs noms, dans les livres suivants de l'auteur.
Dubliners is a collection of fifteen short stories by James Joyce, first published in 1914. They form a naturalistic depiction of Irish middle class life in and around Dublin in the early years of the 20th century. The stories were written when Irish nationalism was at its peak, and a search for a national identity and purpose was raging; at a crossroads of history and culture, Ireland was jolted by various converging ideas and influences. They centre on Joyce's idea of an epiphany: a moment where a character experiences a life-changing self-understanding or illumination. Many of the characters in Dubliners later appear in minor roles in Joyce's novel Ulysses. The initial stories in the collection are narrated by child protagonists, and as the stories continue, they deal with the lives and concerns of progressively older people. This is in line with Joyce's tripartite division of the collection into childhood, adolescence and maturity.
Au titre-jeu de mots, ce recueil a paru pour la première fois en 1927, vingt ans après Musique de chambre, qui lui avait valu l'admiration de poètes déjà reconnus, notamment Ezra Pound et T.S. Eliot. Avant d'être romancier, Joyce est d'abord poète ou... poémier. Pour lui, la poésie est un jeu, "art mineur", dit-il, mais aussi un véritable laboratoire de recherches linguistiques. Tout le ressort de l'oeuvre romanesque se retrouve là, dans ces po(è)mmes. Pourtant, sans jamais cesser d'être des jeux de l'esprit, ceux-ci distillent un sentiment de désenchantement. Ils sont en effet marqués du sceau d'une dérive, physique (Dublin, Trieste, Zurich et Paris) et morale. Ils sont amers. Les pommes d'or du jardin des Hespérides réservent des surprises... "Tout un monde dans une coquille de noix." Au titr
Le poète et romancier irlandais James Joyce (1882-1941) a été l'ami d'Italo Svevo, d'Ezra Pound et de T.S. Eliot. Après des séjours en Italie et en Suisse, c'est à Paris qu'il se fixe en 1920. Il est notamment l'auteur d'Ulysse, "cathédrale de prose" censurée par les Anglo-saxons (1922) et de Finnegans Wake (1939). -
Ulysses is a modernist novel by Irish writer James Joyce. Parts of it were first serialized in the American journal The Little Review from March 1918 to December 1920, and the entire work was published in Paris by Sylvia Beach on 2 February 1922, Joyce's fortieth birthday. It is considered one of the most important works of modernist literature and has been called "a demonstration and summation of the entire movement." According to Declan Kiberd, "Before Joyce, no writer of fiction had so foregrounded the process of thinking."
Ulysses chronicles the appointments and encounters of the itinerant Leopold Bloom in Dublin in the course of an ordinary day, 16 June 1904.
Ulysses is the Latinised name of Odysseus, the hero of Homer's epic poem the Odyssey, and the novel establishes a series of parallels between the poem and the novel, with structural correspondences between the characters and experiences of Bloom and Odysseus, Molly Bloom and Penelope, and Stephen Dedalus and Telemachus, in addition to events and themes of the early 20th-century context of modernism, Dublin, and Ireland's relationship to Britain. The novel is highly allusive and its prose imitates the styles of different periods of English literature. -
Texte intégral révisé suivi d'une biographie de James Joyce. Bref et admirable roman-poème d'amour, "Giacomo Joyce" a été inspiré à Joyce par la rencontre d'une jeune femme juive, Amalia Popper, son élève à l'école Berlitz de Trieste. Ces quelques feuillets énigmatiques relatant un moment de grâce romantique dans la vie de l'auteur d'"Ulysse" ont été gardés secrets toute sa vie. Extrait: "Jan Pieters Sweelinck. Le nom fantasque du vieux compositeur hollandais donne à toute beauté aura fantasque et lointaine. J'écoute ses variations pour clavicorde sur un air ancien: Jeunesse a une fin. Dans la brume indécise des notes anciennes une faible trace de lumière point: la parole de l'âme va se faire entendre. Jeunesse a une fin: cette fin la voici. Jamais elle n'aura lieu. Cela, tu le sais. Et après ? Écris-le, bon sang, écris-le ! de quoi d'autre es-tu capable ?"
`A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man' is a coming-of-age novel by Irish author James Joyce, which follows the life and artistic development of young Stephen Dedalus. In it, Joyce explores life in Ireland at the time, as Stephen grows up and finds his way in the world. We follow as he attends college, battles with religion, engages in social and political intrigues, and suffers the embarrassments that come with adolescence, as the young poet struggles to find his direction in life. Semi-autobiographical, `A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man' is a fascinating insight into life in 20th century Ireland, as well as into the development of Joyce the writer too.
James Joyce (1882-1941) was an Irish novelist, poet and short story writer. Born in Dublin, Joyce attended University College Dublin, before moving to Europe with his wife Nora Barnacle. It was whilst living in Trieste that Joyce wrote and published his first book of poems and his short story collection `Dubliners'. During WWI Joyce was living in Zurich and it was here that he wrote perhaps his most famous work, `Ulysses'. One of the most influential and important writers of the 20th century, his other famous works include `A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man' and `Finnegans Wake'. He died in Paris in 1941 at the age of 58. -
"A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" is the first novel of Irish writer James Joyce. A Künstlerroman in a modernist style, it traces the intellectual and religious philosophical awakening of young Stephen Dedalus, a fictional alter ego of Joyce and an allusion to Daedalus, the consummate craftsman of Greek mythology. Stephen questions and rebels against the Catholic and Irish conventions under which he has grown, culminating in his self-exile from Ireland to Europe. The work uses techniques that Joyce developed more fully in "Ulysses" and "Finnegans Wake".
Brouillons d'un baiser ; premiers pas vers Finnegans Wake
James Joyce
- Gallimard
- Hors série Littérature
- 19 Février 2015
- 9782072526114
Edition interactive bilingue Français/Anglais.
"Avec la découverte récente de quelques pages de brouillons égarées, c'est le chaînon manquant entre Ulysse et Finnegans Wake qui a été mis au jour.
Pour se relancer alors qu'il traversait une période d'incertitude, Joyce s'est mis à écrire de curieuses vignettes sur des thèmes irlandais. Ces petits textes, apparemment simplistes, sont les germes de ce qui deviendra le plus complexe des chefs-d'oeuvre du vingtième siècle.
Nous publions ici pour la première fois, dans la langue originale et en traduction française, le coeur de cet ensemble qui s'organise autour de la légende de Tristan et Iseult et notamment du premier baiser des deux amants. Joyce s'efforce de décrire, dans une veine tantôt grotesque, tantôt lyrique, ce baiser, présenté aussi bien comme un événement cosmique que comme un flirt sordide. L'étreinte se déroule sous le regard libidineux de quatre voyeurs séniles, dont les divagations donneront le ton et fixeront le style de Finnegans Wake.
Ces textes nous révèlent un aspect inattendu de la démarche créative de Joyce et offrent une voie d'accès à qui voudrait commencer à s'aventurer dans l'univers si intimidant de sa dernière oeuvre."
Daniel Ferrer. -
« Joyce continuait à écrire des poèmes, par esprit d'enfance. En 1934, dans une lettre du Danemark où il se reposait et relisait les épreuves d'Ulysse, il en écrit un à Stephen, son petit-fils de quatre ans. « Imagine un chat restant au lit / toute la journée / à fumer des cigares ». Ces Chats de Copenhague avaient été précédé, quelques jours auparavant, par Le Chat et le Diable, conte où le diable construit un pont en une nuit face à la ville de Beaugency. Ça n'est pas mal, d'être le petit-fils de Joyce. On a des histoires originales pour soi tout seul. Et des histoires inattendues, pas des contes d'adultes destinées à inculquer l'Ordre dans la tête des enfants. Dans Les Chats de Copenhague, avec cette teinte d'anarchie qui est le goût des Irlandais, les policiers restent au lit à fumer des cigares. Ils leur ont été offerts par de vieilles dames voulant traverser la rue. Que sont devenues les vieilles dames ? Elles ne sont pas le sujet de Joyce. Dans ses fictions, il y a des hommes de tous les âges, mais les femmes y sont généralement jeunes ; au mieux des mères, jamais de grands-mères. »
Mieszka´ncy Dublina okiem jednego z najwazniejszych pisarzy XX wieku. Wydany w 1914 roku zbiór opowiada´n stanowi realistyczny obraz tego, jak wygladalo zycie Irlandczyków na poczatku XX wieku. Postacie, które pojawiaja sie w poszczególnych opowiadaniach cyklu czytelnicy moga odnale´z´c takze w najslynniejszym dziele Joyce'a - "Ulisessie".
"Dubli´nczycy" moga stanowi´c dobre wprowadzenie w ´swiat poetyki stworzonej przez autora. James Joyce, slynacy z niezwykle trudnych w odbiorze utworów, w cyklu opowiada´n nie szarzuje jezykiem, dzieki czemu sa one latwo przyswajalne, a przy tym utrzymuja mistrzowski poziom artystyczny.
Zbiór zawiera 15 opowiada´n: Siostry, Spotkanie, Arabia, Ewelina, Po wy´scigach, Dwaj rycerze, Pensjonat, Chmurka, Umowa Bodley&Kirwan, Wrózby, Przypadek godny ubolewania, Li´s´c bluszczu, Matka, Laska boza, Zmarli.
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James Joyce (1882-1941) - irlandzki pisarz uwazany za jednego z najwazniejszych twórców XX wieku. Wiekszo´s´c zycia spedzil za granica, glównie we Francji i Szwajcarii. Zadebiutowal zbiorem poematów "Muzyka kameralna". Nastepnie wydal cykl nowel "Dubli´nczycy", powie´sci: "Portret artysty z czasów mlodo´sci" i "Ulisses" oraz poemat proza "Finneagans Wake".
Jego najwieksze dzielo "Ulisses" zyskalo miano "Odysei" XX wieku. Byla to jedna z najbardziej nowatorskich powie´sci w dziejach literatury. Wprowadza bowiem monolog wewnetrzny, ukazujacy wielowarstwowo´s´c procesów my´slowych bohaterów. -
James Joyce fu uno dei più importanti scrittori del XX secolo e la sua raccolta di storie "Gente di Dublino", pubblicata nel 1914, fornisce un quadro realistico di come era la vita in Irlanda all'inizio del 1900. Alcuni dei personaggi che compaiono in "Gente di Dublino" saranno familiari ai lettori dell'altro capolavoro di Joyce, l' "Ulisse".
"Gente di Dublino" è un'eccellente introduzione al lavoro di James Joyce, le cui altre opere sono stilisticamente e linguisticamente più complesse. Qui, la scrittura scorre e le storie sono facili da comprendere, senza perdere la voce magistrale dell'autore irlandese.
La raccolta comprende le seguenti 15 storie: "Le sorelle", "Un incontro", "Arabia", "Eveline", "Dopo la corsa", "I due galanti", "Pensione di famiglia", "Una piccola nube", "Rivalsa", "Polvere", "Un caso pietoso", "Il giorno dell'edera", "Una madre", "La grazia" e "I morti". -
Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice.
Though James Joyce earned his literary fame mostly through his short stories and novels, he also published several short books of poetry. In fact Chamber Music, a collection of thirtysix short love poems, was his first major independent publication.
The title of Chamber Music is said to have come from the sound of urine tinkling into a chamber pot-though this was actually a story made up by Joyce after the fact. As he grew older, he came to dislike the title, saying that it was too complacent. Though the story of the title's genesis suggests the poems are bawdy and raw, in fact they're each gentle and lyrical love poems, strictly rooted in the romantic tradition. Though the poems didn't sell well, they met with some critical acclaim from the likes of Ezra Pound and W. B. Yeats.
"Gas from a Burner" is a short broadside published by Joyce in 1912. He composed it as he was preparing to leave his home, Ireland, for the last time, before embarking on a new life of exile on the continent. Its targets are his publishers, who for almost a decade stalled the publication of his short story collection Dubliners. They frustrated him to to such an extent that he thought they were actively conspiring against him to prevent his controversial manuscript from ever seeing the light of day. "Gas from a Burner" crystallizes the rage he felt at that pious, hypocritical, and prudish establishment.
Stephen Dedalus è un artista, un intellettuale, un esteta, un rivoluzionario - ma non qui, o meglio, non ancora. È ancora troppo giovane. Studia, dai gesuiti, lontano dai genitori. Si sente chiuso, però, dalla realtà che lo circonda, dalla città di Dublino, un labirinto da cui non riesce a uscire, un labirinto dalle strade claustrofobiche e dai volti grigi e rigidi. Ma col tempo tutto arriverà; l'iniziazione, artistica e sessuale, spronerà il giovane Stephan a lasciarsi alle spalle la paralisi sociale e religiosa dell'Irlanda, a raggiungere le sue aspirazioni intellettuali ed estetiche.
Un romanzo dai tratti autobiografici, un classico senza tempo della letteratura mondiale, in grado di influenzare gran parte della narrativa che lo ha seguito.
James Joyce (1882-1941) è stato uno scrittore irlandese, tra i più famosi e importanti della letteratura mondiale. Tra i massimi esponenti del modernismo, con le sue opere ha indissolubilmente influenzato e modellato il modo di scrivere romanzi. Grande sperimentatore, tra le tecniche a lui maggiormente associate e apprezzate c'è sicuramente il flusso di coscienza, tipico principalmente dei suoi ultimi romanzi. Tra le sue opere più note ricordiamo Finnegans Wake, Dedalus: Ritratto dell'Artista da Giovane, Gente di Dublino e Ulisse. -
In questo dramma in tre atti nato dalla penna di James Joyce, le vicende del protagonista Richard e di sua moglie Bertha, rientrati in Irlanda dopo nove anni trascorsi in Italia, si intrecciano con quelle di un'altra coppia: Beatrice Justice, ex amante di Richard con cui negli anni ha continuato a tenere un'affiatata corrispondenza, e Robert Hand, cugino di Beatrice e vecchio compagno di bevute di Richard. Quando Richard, che si vanta di credere nei rapporti aperti e liberi, incoraggia Bertha a rispondere alle seducenti avances di Robert, Bertha ne esce inizialmente turbata, perché nel suo corpo e nella sua anima è da sempre devota al marito. Ma Richard può davvero essere indifferente fino in fondo? Come si comporterà Bertha, e quale sarà il posto di Robert tra marito e moglie? Le opinioni non ortodosse di Joyce sulla libertà delle relazioni umane giocano in questo dramma psicologico un tema chiave. E i temi di accompagnamento dell'amore, della passione, della gelosia, dell'isolamento e della separazione, che sono le conseguenze naturali di tutte le relazioni umane, sono il cuore pulsante della narrazione.
James Joyce (1882 - 1941) è stato uno scrittore, poeta e drammaturgo irlandese fra i più importanti della sua epoca, nonché pioniere del genere modernista nella letteratura europea. Soprattutto in relazione alla sperimentazione linguistica presente nelle sue opere, è ritenuto uno dei migliori scrittori del ventesimo secolo e della letteratura di ogni tempo. Durante la sua vita intraprese molti viaggi attraverso l'Europa, ma l'ambientazione delle sue opere, così saldamente legata a Dublino, lo fece diventare uno dei più cosmopoliti e allo stesso tempo più locali scrittori irlandesi. "Il ritratto dell'artista da giovane", "Ulisse" e "Gente di Dublino" sono soltanto alcune delle opere in cui si possono ritrovare le caratteristiche principali della sua produzione, tra cui l'ampia caratterizzazione psicologica dei personaggi e l'avanguardismo linguistico. -
A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man (Unabridged)
James Joyce
- Everest Media LLC
- 8 Avril 2022
- 9781669371236
Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is Joyce's first novel, published after the previous success of his short story collection Dubliners. The novel is written in a modernist style, with dialog and narration blending together in a kind of streamofconsciousness meant to invoke the blurriness of memory.
Joyce originally planned writing a realist autobiographical novel of 63 chapters titled Stephen Hero. He abandoned the attempt halfway through, and refocused his efforts on Portrait, a shorter, sharper work in the modernist style. His alterego remained Stephen Dedalus, named after Daedalus, the mythological Greek craftsman and father of Icarus. Portrait was written while he was waiting for Dubliners to be published, a process that took eight years and so frustrated Joyce that he once threw the manuscript of Portrait into a fire, causing his family to run to save it.
The novel closely traces Joyce's early years. Like his alterego Stephen, Joyce was born into a middleclass family and lived in Dublin as they descended into poverty; he rebelled against his Irish Catholic upbringing to become a star student at Dublin University, and put aside thoughts of priesthood or medicine, the other careers offered him, to become a writer. Joyce doesn't shy away from sensitive topics, presenting the discoveries of youth in all of their physical detail, including Stephen's teenage visits to prostitutes (which also mirror Joyce's youth, and were how he probably contracted the suspected syphilis that plagued his vision and tortured his health for the rest of his life), and the homosexual explorations of children at a Jesuit school.
The writing is in the free indirect style, allowing the narrator to both focus on Stephen and present characters and events through his eyes, until the last chapter, where Stephen's firstperson diary entries suggest he's finally found his voice. As the novel progresses, the syntax and vocabulary also grow in complexity, reflecting Stephen's own development.
Of Joyce's three novels, Portrait is the most straightforward and accessible. But it remains just as rich and complex as any masterpiece, with critics across generations hailing it as work of unique beauty and perception. -
The final story in Joyce's `Dubliners' collection, `The Dead' tells the story of Gabriel Conroy and his wife, Gretta.
While at a Christmas party hosted by his aunts, Gretta tells the story of Michael Furey, who had wooed her in her youth. However, Michael died at the age of 17, leaving her heartbroken.
For Gabriel, this tale is something of a shocking revelation. Will he be able to reconcile himself to walking in Michael's shadow?
With one of the best closing lines in literary history, `The Dead' was adapted for film, starring Anjelica Houston and Colm Meaney.
Widely considered to be one of the greatest writers of all time, James Joyce (1882 - 1941) was born in Dublin. At the age of six, he was sent to the prestigious Clongowes Wood College, paid for by his wealthy father. However, Joyce's father succumbed to alcoholism and was unable to afford for his son to return there after the first year.
After educating himself at home, Joyce was eventually schooled at Belvedere College. After leaving University College Dublin in 1902, Joyce studied medicine in Paris. However, on hearing his mother was dying, he returned to Ireland. While there, he would read her passages from what was to be his first novel, `Stephen Hero. -
'Stefano eroe' è un romanzo di formazione di stampo autobiografico scritto da James Joyce. Pubblicato postumo, la vicenda editoriale dell'opera è tanto curiosa quanto travagliata. La vulgata vuole che, esasperato per i continui rifiuti degli editori, lo stesso Joyce abbia gettato nel fuoco il manoscritto originale, parzialmente messo in salvo dalla compagna Nora Barnacle. Il romanzo, giunto anni dopo ai lettori, riporta quindi soltanto una parte della storia originale di cui non ci resta che immaginare il continuo...
James Joyce (1882 - 1941) è stato uno scrittore, poeta e drammaturgo irlandese fra i più importanti della sua epoca, nonché pioniere del genere modernista nella letteratura europea. Soprattutto in relazione alla sperimentazione linguistica presente nelle sue opere, è ritenuto uno dei migliori scrittori del ventesimo secolo e della letteratura di ogni tempo. Durante la sua vita intraprese molti viaggi attraverso l'Europa, ma l'ambientazione delle sue opere, così saldamente legata a Dublino, lo fece diventare uno dei più cosmopoliti e allo stesso tempo più locali scrittori irlandesi. "Il ritratto dell'artista da giovane", "Ulisse" e "Gente di Dublino" sono soltanto alcune delle opere in cui si possono ritrovare le caratteristiche principali della sua produzione, tra cui l'ampia caratterizzazione psicologica dei personaggi e l'avanguardismo linguistico. -
What if all that you knew was a lie? A version of the truth prescribed and injected to you without consultation, conversation or countability?When Stephen Dedalus finds fault with religion and reality in 19th-century Ireland, he quickly decides to forge his own fate. But society is less than kind to those who reject their rightful futures. And Stephen will soon learn the price he has to pay if he is to reclaim a sense of soul and conscience.Weaving a powerful and poignant tale of passion and perseverance, `A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man' is perfect for fans of Michelle Gallen, Niall Williams, and Frances Macken.Born in Ireland, James Joyce (1882-1941) was a trailblazing and experimental novelist and poet. He is celebrated as one of the most influential and important writers of the 20th century with his landmark novel `Ulysses', which parallels Homer's `Odyssey', whilst his other works include `Dubliners', `A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man', and `Finnegans Wake'.
The Complete Works of James Joyce. Illustrated
James Joyce
- Andrii Ponomarenko
- 6 Janvier 2024
- 9786178366537
"The Complete Works of James Joyce, illustrated and meticulously curated, presents a comprehensive collection of the literary genius's masterpieces. This anthology includes 'Dubliners,' a series of poignant short stories depicting the lives of Dublin's residents with exquisite precision. 'A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man' unfolds as a semi-autobiographical novel, tracing the intellectual and artistic development of the protagonist, Stephen Dedalus.
At the heart of this collection is 'Ulysses,' Joyce's magnum opus that parallels Homer's epic in a single day in Dublin, employing innovative narrative techniques and linguistic experimentation. 'Finnegans Wake' continues the author's avant-garde exploration, delving into dreamlike prose and intricate wordplay.
Readers also encounter 'Stephen Hero,' an early version of 'A Portrait of the Artist,' providing insight into the evolution of Joyce's narrative style. The inclusion of illustrations enhances the visual experience, complementing the intricate language and themes explored in Joyce's works.
This comprehensive collection offers literary enthusiasts and scholars alike the opportunity to delve into the mind of one of the 20th century's most influential and innovative writers. James Joyce's ability to capture the nuances of human experience, coupled with his groundbreaking narrative techniques, ensures that this anthology remains an enduring testament to the complexities of modernist literature."
The Novels
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Finnegans Wake
Stephen Hero
The Short Stories
The Cat and the Devil
Other Prose Works
Giacomo Joyce
The Cats of Copenhagen
Finn's Hotel
The Play
The Poetry C
Early Poetry
Chamber Music
Pomes Penyeach
Later Poetry
The Non-Fiction
The Essays, Letters and Articles -
The Classic Collection of James Joyce. Illustrated
James Joyce
- Andrii Ponomarenko
- 6 Janvier 2024
- 9786178366544
"The Classic Collection of James Joyce, embellished with illustrations, presents a rich anthology of the renowned author's literary masterpieces. At its core is 'A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man,' a semi-autobiographical novel tracing the intellectual and artistic maturation of the protagonist, Stephen Dedalus. Joyce's mastery of stream-of-consciousness technique and intricate language is showcased in this seminal work.
'Ulysses,' a landmark in modernist literature, unfolds over a single day in Dublin, intricately weaving together the lives of its diverse characters. This collection also features 'Dubliners,' a poignant exploration of ordinary lives in Dublin, and 'Exiles,' a play delving into themes of love, betrayal, and artistic expression.
Joyce's 'Epiphanies' offers a glimpse into the author's creative process with a collection of brief yet profound moments of revelation. The inclusion of poetry adds another dimension to the compilation, showcasing Joyce's versatility as a writer.
Illustrations accompany these literary treasures, enhancing the reader's experience by visually complementing Joyce's intricate prose. This comprehensive collection stands as a testament to Joyce's lasting impact on literature, inviting both seasoned enthusiasts and new readers to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of his groundbreaking works."
The Novels
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The Short Stories
Other Prose Works
The Play
The Poetry Collections
Early Poetry
Chamber Music
Pomes Penyeach -
Dublineses es una colección de quince relatos cortos del escritor irlandés James Joyce. Tras diversas vicisitudes, se publicó en 1914. Los quince relatos constituyen una representación realista, y aun naturalista, en ocasiones sutilmente burlona, de las clases media y baja irlandesas, en el Dublín de los primeros años del siglo XX.
Discover a new way to read classics with Quick Read.
This Quick Read edition includes both the full text and a summary for each chapter.
- Reading time of the complete text: about 6 hours
- Reading time of the summarized text: 21 minutes
Dubliners is a collection of fifteen short stories by James Joyce, first published in 1914. The stories present a naturalistic depiction of Irish middle-class life in and around Dublin in the early years of the 20th century. The stories centre on Joyce's idea of an epiphany and the theme of paralysis. The first three stories in the collection are narrated by child protagonists, while the subsequent stories are written in the third person and deal with the lives and concerns of progressively older people. Many of the characters in Dubliners later appeared in minor roles in Joyce's novel Ulysses. The collection progresses chronologically, beginning with stories of youth and progressing in age to culminate in "The Dead". The narrators in Dubliners rarely mediate, which means that there are limited descriptions of their thoughts and emotions. The book has been adapted into various media, including a film adaptation of "The Dead" directed by John Huston in 1987. -
Short Story Collection Vol. 076 (Unabridged)
Et Al. James Joyce
- Everest Media LLC
- 13 Juin 2024
- 9798330007639
Prepare to be captivated by a literary tapestry woven by masters of the written word. Short Story Collection Vol. 076 (Unabridged) presents a symphony of voices, each tale a testament to the boundless power of storytelling. From the enigmatic prose of James Joyce to the poignant realism of Anton Chekhov, this anthology invites you on a journey through the human experience, exploring love, loss, longing, and the complexities of the human condition. Immerse yourself in these timeless masterpieces and discover the transformative power of the written word.