Palgrave Macmillan
Indigenous Perceptions of the End of the World
Rosalyn Bold
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 29 Juin 2019
- 9783030138608
This edited volume constructs a `cosmopolitics' of climate change, consulting small-scale sustainable communities on whether the world is ending and why, and how we can take action to prevent it. By comparing scientific and indigenous accounts of the same phenomenon, contributors seek to broaden Western understandings of what climate change constitutes. In this context, existing cosmologies are challenged, opening spaces for hegemonic narratives to enter into conversation with the non-modern and construct `worlds otherwise'-situations of world change and renewal through climate change. Bold brings together perspectives from Central America, Mexico, the Amazon, and the Andes to converse with scientific narratives of climate change and create cracks that bring new worlds into being for readers.
Young People in Digital Society
Lucas Walsh, Rosalyn Black, Amanda Third, Philippa Collin
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 18 Décembre 2019
- 9781137573698
This book adopts a critical youth studies approach and theorizes the digital as a key feature of the everyday to analyse how ideas about youth and cyber-safety, digital inclusion and citizenship are mobilized. Despite a growing interest in the benefits and opportunities for young people online, both `young people' and `the digital' continue to be constructed primarily as sites of social and cultural anxiety requiring containment and control. Juxtaposing public policy, popular educational and parental framings of young people's digital practices with the insights from fieldwork conducted with young Australians aged 12-25, the book highlights the generative possibilities of attending to intergenerational tensions. In doing so, the authors show how a shift beyond the paradigm of control opens up towards a deeper understanding of the capacities that are generated in and through digital life for young and old alike. Young People in Digital Society will be of interest to scholars and students in youth studies, cultural studies, sociology, education, and media and communications.